About EPP
We partner with forward-looking businesses to co-create impactful learning journeys, events and content to improve top line revenues and profitability.
Our purpose is to contribute to sustained value creation for our partners and the pricing and RGM community.
Value for their companies, their customers, consumers and society.
Pricing is one of the strongest value levers in any business.
Pricing makes products accessible - while monetizing the value creation to enable future innovation.
Fair pricing principles help shaping a better world.
Our mission is to provide professional guidance and advocating on behalf of the global pricing and revenue growth management community to create a triple win : for your company, trade partners and end-users.
EPP is a not-for-profit organization, continuously investing in new initiatives to stay relevant for the business community.
Since 2006, we serve thousands of professionals worldwide exposing them to state-of-the-art insights via industry focused conferences, globally recognized certification programs and the largest portfolio of open and in-company training programs. All those activities offer excellent knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.
If you are you looking to improve your organisational pricing, RM or RGM maturity - need help bringing your journey to the next level - or if you are looking to learn how to champion your roadmap, EPP is here to help.
To achieve our mission and stay relevant we believe that innovation, creativity, agility – together with a ‘high density of talent’ – ‘ownership’ - and ‘transparency’ are important enablers.
Top performers do not need to be led by constraints.
They do not need rules for everything.
Context is enough to take the right decisions.
Hence our ‘no-rules’ rules culture.
“In everything we do we need to be relevant as EPP for the community. Having meaningful discussions with practitioners, top tier consultancy and technology partners is very powerful and makes real impact for the community”
We partner with the top tier consultancy and technology partners in the global pricing and RGM domain.
EPP is committed to relevant value creation. We deliver impactful events, training and content by working in a true collaborative partnership with top tier consultancy and technology partners in every domain of pricing, RM and RGM globally to co-create bespoke learning programs and events that empower people and enhance the pricing and RGM capabilities in businesses.
We are continuously listing to the community with an industry focus. Our event producers connect with the most influential practitioners in your business to empower your teams to convert your challenges into successes.
Partners are vital for the business community to enhance knowledge sharing and boost impactful projects.
It began as a diner in a restaurant in Driebergen (The Netherlands) among 4 pricing managers and Pol Vanaerde, all clients at that time of Pol. It was a continuation of several months of discussions between them how they could share best practices and learn from each other.
There was no organisation supporting the pricing community in Europe. By the conclusion of the diner, it was decided that a new organization should be formed to provide a means for pricing managers to share best practices, to learn and discuss common problems in a legal correct environment, respecting the competitive legislation.
The principles, code of conduct (checked by competitive lawyers 'Stibbe') and organisation were evaluated and decided. Pol Vanaerde was asked to set-up the formal membership organisation and the discussions resulted in the first formal EPP Pricing Refuel Days in Amsterdam, shortly thereafter followed by trainings and the need for a certification program and ... much more.
From the start , the EPP is designed around 3 important principles;