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5th Edition Q3/2024

Empowering the Pricing & RGM Community with Actionable Knowledge

Welcome to our new online pricing publication, EPP Pulse. In today's fast-paced business environment, staying connected and sharing expertise is more important than ever. EPP Pulse is designed to facilitate both aspects, offering relevant content for our community while simultaneously creating opportunities for you to contribute with your own experiences and insights.

Actionable Insights
Wendy Janssen | Global Director and Head of SRM Analytics | Mars Snacking
This article investigates the intricate dynamics of price elasticity, exploring how consumer behaviour and market conditions influence a company's pricing power. Through Warren Buffet's lens of pricing power as a critical business metric, we examine the factors that shape price elasticity, including market leadership, relative price positioning, the availability of substitutes, and promotional and media strategies. The insights provided highlight how market leaders maintain lower price elasticity through strong brand loyalty and perceived value, the risks of misaligned premium pricing, and the impact of substitutes on consumer choices. Additionally, the article discusses how increased promotional activity can lead to higher price sensitivity and the crucial role of media support in shaping brand perception and reducing price elasticity. For pricing professionals, the analysis offers actionable strategies to optimize pricing, balance short-term promotional gains with long-term brand value, and leverage media to sustain competitive advantage.
5th Edition | Q3 2024
Steve Peppler | Vice President Product & Business Transformation | Flintfox
As pricing becomes a more central focus in the boardroom, the ability to execute tailored and agile pricing strategies will be essential for businesses looking to navigate future volatility and protect profit margins. This article provides detailed insights into the challenges being faced by pricing professionals today, exploring the gap between pricing intentions and execution, and highlighting robust pricing as a strategic advantage for businesses. 
5th Edition | Q3 2024
Dr. Marcus F. Demmelmair | Principal | Horváth
Daniela Schlager | Senior Data Scientist | Horvath
Dr. Matthias Emler | Partner | Horváth
The “GenAI” revolution is in full swing. Cross-functional use cases are created based on the latest methods of generative artificial intelligence and can, among other things, process image or voice data without predefined rules. In this article, the authors show what is different compared to previous AI methods and what are new possible applications in pricing and sales. Last but not least, practical guidance how to quickly industrialize use cases in brownfield organization is provided.
5th Edition | Q3 2024
Diego Ezquerro | Retail Pricing Solution Expert | VISTEX
How can retail companies manage costs and revenue effectively without oversimplifying their business processes?
5th Edition | Q3 2024
Carina Röllig | Director of Business Development, Big Data | VISTEX
In the past few years, the UK’s online beverage market has seen remarkable growth. In this market report about the Pricing Trends in The UK Sparkling Wine Market, we will dive into how retailers position their private-label sparkline wines to capture a larger market share during the most competitive time of the year: the leadup to Christmas and New Year.
5th Edition | Q3 2024

Access the EPP Pulse Archive

  • How to achieve excellence in price execution 

    Mateus Barros | Senior Strategy, Analytics & Pricing Executive
  • Nurturing the Pricing and Value Mind-Set to Fuel the Growth: A Bottom-Up Approach

    Maria Kolesnikova | Pricing Manager
  • Six RGM Levers to Win in the Current Crisis

    Dan Zatta | Head of Sales, Pricing & TopLine Strategies and Partner
  • Optimising Profits through Price Sensitivity:

    Arian Oosthoek | Co-founder
  • Pricing system implementation-an attempt in the right direction 

    Kaushal Kishore | Pricing transformation consultant

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