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Terms and Conditions

Version February 2020.

The following definitions apply to the terms and conditions of the EPP Pricing Platform:

  • EPP Pricing Platform (hereafter 'EPP'): the organisation offering and providing products and services to professionals both EPP members and non-members ;
  • EPP Member : party paying a yearly participation fee to get access to the online portal site resources and content, event discounts on the events organised by EPP;
  • Non-Members: The party commissioning the engagement in one or more selected events, organised by EPP;
  • EPP Events: include EPP Seminars, Open Trainings, Forums, Events, CPM® programmes, in-company trainings, and other frequent or non-frequent sessions organised by EPP.  All events are announced on and/or

These terms and conditions apply to all products and services, produced and provided by EPP.

  1. EPP Membership Plan Registration

    1. Registration
      1. Registration requires filling out the complete online registration form, the contract is concluded under the terms and coniditions;
      2. Registration is only accepted and confirmed after payment of the annual membership fee, as mentioned on the EPP website, is received in full;
      3. The registrant automatically accepts the guidelines as stated in EPP's Code of Conduct, and will act accordingly.
    2. Payment conditions
      1. Online payment: payment is due at the time of registration;
      2. Payment after invoice: payment is required within 21 days after invoice date. All invoices, unless stated otherwise, carry a ten per cent (10%) late payment surcharge.
    3. Duration/validity
      1. A participation plan lasts for the terms of twelve (12) months, starting the month (per date) you receive a written confirmation from the EPP.
      2. A participation plan is renewed each twelve (12) months.   You will get a notification approx. 2 weeks before the renewal date.  
    4. Cancellation, upgrading and substitution
      1. You can always upgrade or cancel your subscription plan at any moment.  Prices of an EPP Prime Membership plans may be subject to change and are displayed on the EPP website;
      2. EPP Prime Members have the right to transfer their participation plan to a colleague from the same company;
      3. EPP has the right to cancel a membership plan, if ie. a member does not act according to EPP's Code of Conduct. Upon such cancellation, the annual fee of the contract term of the participation plan is non-refundable.

  2. EPP Event registration (trainings, seminars, workshops, webinars, forums, and content download etc.)

    1. EPP Event registration 
      1. Registration requires filling out the complete online registration form on and/or and is concluded under these terms and conditions;
      2. The fees and value per event are mentioned in the programme details;
      3. The registrant automatically accepts the guidelines as stated in EPP's Code of Conduct, and will act accordingly.
    2. Payment conditions
      1. Online payment: payment is due at the time of registration;
      2. Payment after invoice: payment is required within 21 days after the invoice date. All invoices, unless stated otherwise, carry ten percent (10%) late payment surcharge;
      3. Full payment must always be received prior to the event date. EPP reserves the right to refuse admission and/or cancel your registration if payment is not complete before the start of the event.
    3. Cancellation of a registered participant
      1. Cancellation requests must always be in writing (post or email) to the event organiser at EPP;
      2. Registrants may cancel and receive a full refund of the event registration fee, minus a twenty per cent (20%) administrative fee, until sixty (60) days prior to the event;
      3. Fifty percent (50%) of the pre-paid registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received between fifty-nine (59) to thirty (30) days prior to the event;
      4. Thirty per cent (30%) of the pre-paid registration fee will be refunded for cancellation received between twenty-nine (29) days to ten (10) days prior to the event;
      5. No refunds are available for cancellations less ten (10) days prior to the event, or for no-shows;
      6. In case of cancellation less than 10 days prior to the event, or no-shows, registrants will also be charged in full for their eventual hotel and transportation reservations, if made on their request via EPP;
    4. Substitution of a registered participant
      1. Substitution requests must always be in writing (post or email) to the event organiser at EPP;
      2. Registrants may substitute delegates, at no extra charge, until five (5) working days prior to the event. Substitution, less than five (5) working days before the event, is not accepted.
    5. Cancellation, postponement or alterations of events
      1. EPP reserves the right to cancel or postpone events/sessions, or alter the country, location or venue in case of force-majeur, unforeseen circumstances, or if minimum registration numbers are not met;
      2. In case of cancellation, postponement or alteration by EPP, registrants will receive a rollover credit for attendance at the rescheduled session, taking place within (12) months from the original date.
      3. EPP does not take any responsibility for cancelling or refunding the accommodation and/or transportation booked by registrants or by the EPP on request of a registrant. EPP recommends that registrants take out cancellation insurance for such situations.
    6. Change to Event Program
              The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the programme content, speakers, timing, venue or date of the event compared to the                   advertised programme without notice.
    7. Filming
      1. EPP might produce pictures and/or videos of their events.  Participants give permission for their personal images and voices to be used in video materials and pictures produced for EPP Pricing Platform. 
      2. The video materials may be used on a variety of platforms including websites and digital file formats for internal and external audiences.   Your personal contribution will only be used in the context of European Pricing Platform materials and for no other purpose unless you give prior consent.     

          8. Personal Information

1. Your personal information submitted to EPP Events may be shared with event partners, third-party service providers, and third-party workshop/exhibit hosts.

2. By registering for the Event and downloading our content, the registrants agree and acknowledge that their personal information may be shared with the aforementioned parties, and that such parties may contact them in the future. Registrants also agree and acknowledge that their personal information will be used to create a delegate list for the event, which may be shared with other attendees. Registrants who do not want to be included on this list must inform EPP Events during the booking process.