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Pricing with Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the Table

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  • Author custom: Holden and Mukherjee

In Pricing with Confidence, pricing gurus Reed Holden and Mark Burton offer a radically different solution—one that actually builds revenues and profits without lowering prices. The key? Linking prices to the value delivered. The real trick is to bring people from marketing, product development, sales, and senior management into the process of discovering and defending the value you create for customers.

The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow

  • After download go to: Resource Library
  • Author custom: Rafi Mohammed

We learn about the author’s concept of value pricing, which is based on how customers make purchase decisions and involves setting prices that capture the value customers place on the product rather than what it costs to manufacture it. The author tells a compelling story of Southwest Airlines and how it has increased revenue by charging more for an added feature that a certain customer segment values. With a goal of win-win for both a company and its customers, the author shares his success story interviews with managers in a wide variety of industries. He concludes with an action plan for a comprehensive pricing strategy and observes, The financial benefits of a 1% price increase . . . illustrate the power of pricing and its direct link to the bottom line.