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Pricing Maturity Playbook - Crossing the pricing chasm

In their struggle to define a concrete and successful pricing maturity roadmap, many organisations contact EPP and ask: where do we need to start, what are the priorities and from whom should we learn : McDonald’s? Bose? 3M? Bayer? Audi? Microsoft? Michelin? Hilti? The Rolling Stones?

Is there a proven monetization path?    The answer is Yes - and it's about doing the right things - right - at the right moment. 

This e-book explains a proven roadmap to advance your organisational pricing maturity. It is built on the lessons that EPP has learned through supporting more than 100 certification projects of pricing and monetization managers across industries – and many discussions with pricing software vendors, leading pricing consultants and pricing leaders all over the world.

The EPP Pricing Maturity Model helps you not only to determine which maturity level you are operating on, but also how to prioritize your efforts and how to cross the pricing chasm to realize profit optimization.  We consolidated real-life best practices and advice from pricing leaders, experienced in pricing maturity development, across all industries into the EPP Pricing Maturity Model®.

Want to discuss how to build a roadmap for your organisational pricing maturity ?
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Presentatie Boek

4th Edition May 2020
You will quickly recognise how practical the EPP Pricing Maturity Model® really is. The approach shows 4 pricing maturity levels – the stages mark a clear status of where an organisational is – where to go - and what to do.

About the author :
Pol Vanaerde is founder and president of EPP.

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